Brand strategy and ongoing services
A story of trust: brand refresh and corporate narrative
TransUnion is best known as a Big Three credit reporting agency. But by now, they’re so much more. Bluegreen helped their story and design catch up to their business with a brand refresh to reflect who they are today: a global innovator doing real good.
Project highlights:
Research: brand audit and leadership workshops
Brand positioning and messaging strategy
Corporate narrative and copywriting
Design refresh and comprehensive brand guidelines
Internal communications and training
Launch: key marketing and sales materials
A global company in transition
A credit bureau since 1968, TransUnion experienced exponential change in the past decade: acquiring properties, expanding tech capabilities, going public, and navigating elevated consumer expectations and intensifying competition. They also now have more of a story to tell around their unique position of trusted stewardship in the modern global economy.

A pivot in brand strategy and messaging
It started by repositioning TransUnion as more than a credit bureau. That’s a central aspect of their heritage and duty, but just part of a bigger global information and insights brand. We wove together strategic themes like the evolving relationship between consumers and businesses, the concept of data identity, the promise of facilitating trust, and the purpose of using Information for Good.
Crafting a corporate narrative with a consumer-first lens
Complex offerings, shifting market dynamics and an aspirational mission can be hard to communicate quickly or consistently. We collaborated with TransUnion’s brand leadership team to shape a corporate narrative that brings it all together, first with a series of workshops and later with copywriting iterations. Then we adapted their story for different purposes, audiences and media.

Design refresh with evolved global brand guidelines
Brands that evolve quickly through acquisition and expansion usually need some pruning. So we worked with their team to refresh brand design – their most significant evolution since rebranding ten years earlier. Leaving the logo untouched, we updated color palette and typography, and helped develop assets and tighten guidelines on photography, illustration, and iconography.

Bluegreen developed workshops and materials to train employees on the brand refresh and new corporate narrative.
Internal rollout: stakeholder communications and training
A tiered internal launch started with the C-Suite and top leadership. Then we helped train content creators and communicators in a series of workshops, developing the agenda and materials. Finally, we helped present it to the other 80,000 associates worldwide, so everyone at TransUnion could see and hear and share it as their own.

Phased rollout in marketing and sales materials
We’re now helping create a phased rollout for their various audiences. We also created the first few key touchpoints – from videos to events to sales decks to social media posts – and concurrently helped to launch their Tru portfolio of B2B solutions. A smooth transition to a promising new era for a global brand.

Brand strategy consulting
Entering new territory or adapting to disruption? Whether it's a rebrand or refresh, we offer brand strategy services at any altitude.
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Calibrating brand messaging for a complex business
Brand messaging can’t afford to be complicated. Here are 3 areas to focus on, with tips and resources.
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Corporate narrative: brand storytelling with substance
Four tips for crafting a corporate narrative that conveys your brand story in a compelling way.
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